APS Support UK Research Fund Peer Review Panel

To assist with the research funding grant-making selection process, the charity has established a Peer Review Panel to assess the potential impact of the research on the understanding of disease mechanisms, to help increase survival rates and reduce the effects that antiphospholipid syndrome can have on the quality of life.

The panel reviews the importance, relevance, originality and impact of the grant applications, together with their scientific rigour.

Chaired by Professor Hannah Cohen from University College London, the panel meets once a year to advise the Trustees on the suitability of applications for funding by APS Support UK. The Chair ensures that each funding application is dealt with in an open and timely manner. Recommendations for funding will be made by the Peer Review Panel to the charity Trustees, who will have the final decision on awards.

The members of the Peer Review Panel do not receive any payment for their services and adhere to our Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure.

The panel consists of the following medical APS experts and patient representative:

Professor Hannah Cohen (Chair)

Professor Hannah Cohen is a consultant haematologist at UCLH and professor of haematology at UCL. She leads the haematology service for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and runs a clinic for patients with thrombotic APS and a preconception clinic for women with a history of obstetric APS/prothrombotic conditions. She is co-chair of the Scientific and Standardisation Committee for lupus anticoagulant/antiphospholipid antibodies of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. She is a founder member/co-chair of APS ACTION.

Professor Beverley Hunt (OBE)

Professor Beverley Hunt is a national and international expert in thrombosis and acquired bleeding disorders based at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital in London. In England, she sits on the National VTE (venous thromboembolism) board where she is co-lead of the patient awareness and experience work stream. She also sits on the National VTE prevention clinical advisory group, the NICE Guidelines Development group for the management of VTE and the NICE VTE standards development committee. She sat on the NICE guidelines development group and clinical standards committee for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in hospitalised patients. Beverley co-founded the charity Thrombosis UK and she chairs the steering committee of the high profile World Thrombosis Day campaign – a campaign to improve awareness and care of those with thrombosis globally. She has extensive clinical experience of thrombotic and acquired bleeding disorders and runs a very active research group with over 330 peer-reviewed publications to her name.

Professor Ian Giles

Professor Giles qualified from the Royal London Hospital and carried out general medical and rheumatology clinical training in various London hospitals. He then undertook Arthritis Research UK funded clinical research (PhD) and Clinical Scientist Fellowships at University College London. He is now Professor and Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist at University College London Hospital. His specialist clinical and research interests focus upon the diagnosis and long-term management of patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases, particularly lupus and the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and management of these and other inflammatory conditions in pregnancy. Publications.

Lisa Thom: patient representative

Lisa Thom has lived with antiphospholipid syndrome for many years, having been diagnosed at the age of 17 after a pulmonary embolism. In 2014 she experienced catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (CAPS), and has since used her life experiences to contribute to an internationally recognised clinical guideline for best practice in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition, as a patient representative. She is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Translational Health Science at the University of Oxford, focusing on the role of patient advocacy in healthcare settings.


Research grants

We offer small grants of up to £10,000 for research projects specifically concentrating on antiphopsholipid syndrome

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Our progress so far

We are dedicated to supporting research into antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and have committed over £547,954 to-date.

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