Make a donation
APS Support UK is funded entirely from voluntary donations from individuals, trusts, foundations, and companies. We do not receive any government funding of any kind.
Only with the help and generosity of our donors, supporters and volunteers can we continue our vital work. This includes raising awareness of APS, helping people achieve an earlier diagnosis, improving the treatment of people with the condition and funding research to help save lives.
Any donation – however small – that you make to our charity will really help us to carry out these goals, so please make a difference and donate today.
How you can give:
Donate by text
Text APSUK and an amount of £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70085.
For example, to donate £5, you would text APSUK5 and send to 70085.
Please note that texts cost the chosen donation amount plus one standard network rate message
Donate online
You can make a single donation safely and simply online. Please don’t forget to add the Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
Donate via PayPal Giving Fund
You can make a donation safely and securely online through PayPal Giving Fund. Neither you nor APS Support UK will be charged a fee for this donation.
Donate by post
Simply print off this form and send it with your donation. Please make your cheque or postal order payable to APS Support UK, and remember to add the Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
Make a regular donation
You can make an annual donation via our Charity Checkout webpage and set up a convenient direct debit. Donating via direct debit means you only need to make a small gift, such as £20 a year, and regular income helps us plan for the future.
Give In celebration
Mark your wedding day, birthday, anniversary or special occasion by giving to charity and make your celebration last a lifetime!
Leave a gift in your will
Help our work live on and remember us in your will. Your gift can ensure that we can continue with our work to achieve earlier diagnosis, improve the lives of people with APS and help find a cure for the future.
Donate in memory
Create a loving and lasting tribute with the APS Support UK memorial website service.
Give as you earn
Payroll Giving is the simplest tax-free way for individuals to donate to charity.
Corporate support
There are many ways you can support us in the workplace.
Gift Aid
Please note that we can only claim tax on donations from personal banks or building society accounts. We cannot claim Gift Aid on donations made from company accounts.
Gift Aid is a government scheme that enables charities to claim the basic rate tax made on donations. This means that we can currently increase your donation by 25%, and it won’t cost you a penny more! So if you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to choose the Gift Aid option so your donation can go even further.
Please click here to download our Gift Aid donation form.
Make an online donation
It's only with the help and generosity of our donors, supporters and volunteers, that we are able to continue our vital work. We appreciate donations of any size, big or small.
Give in celebration
Make a lasting contribution to our charity when you celebrate your next special occasion by requesting donations instead of gifts.