Give as you earn

The payroll giving scheme, or "Give As You Earn", is a simple, tax-effective way to give to charity directly from your pay.

You decide how much you want to give, and your employer deducts the donation from your pay every month or week. Surveys show that around two-thirds of us give to charity each month, so if you can spare just £2 a month, it will make a big difference to our small charity.

How does it work?

Providing that your employer offers a Give As You Earn scheme, it couldn’t be simpler. You authorise your employer to deduct regular charitable donations from your pay. Your employer then pays those donations to a Payroll Giving Agency approved by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The agency then distributes the money to the charity of your choice. One such Payroll Giving Agency is Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

If your employer does not yet offer a scheme, you could always suggest that they start one - it is easy and inexpensive to run. They can find out more about how to get started in the HMRC Payroll Giving guidelines.

What are the benefits as an employee?

You decide on the amount to give and can stop anytime if your circumstances change. You also have confidence knowing that your donation goes directly to our charity with minimal administration costs.

The agreed deductions your employer makes from your pay are made before you pay tax, which means that you get tax relief included in your donation at your top rate of tax - and it’s simple to do!

What are the benefits as an employer?

By embracing payroll giving, a company demonstrates that it is community-minded and can enhance the organisation's image, plus show the caring side of the business to the community, employees and shareholders.

Why should you choose CAF Give As You Earn?

CAF has been a Payroll Giving Agency since the scheme was launched in 1987. Over that time, businesses and their employees using CAF GAYE have donated over £1.6 billion to over 40,000 charities. Here's why they are the largest payroll-giving agency in the UK:

  • It's simple to run. Employees can easily adjust donation amount and chosen charities at any time.
  • Reliable income. CAF Give As You Earn provides a long-term and regular income stream, helping charities to plan their expenditure.
  • Trustworthy. We handle donations from over 2,000 employers and manage over £60m of employee donations to charities annually.

It doesn't cost you a penny unless you wish to further support your employees by paying the fees on their behalf.

Plus, any matching payments or costs associated with running the scheme can also be offset against profits, thereby reducing your corporation tax. Is your business considering payroll giving? Start your application today.

In the workplace

Whether large or small, your organisation can make a massive difference to APS Support UK either through direct donations, making gifts in kind or by making us your Charity of the Year.

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